Before “Golden Age’’

The Bulgarian State was founded circa 681 as a union of seven Slavonic  tribes who have already settled this territory and with the inclusión of some smaller ethnicial groups (Thracians and others). The state was ruled by Khan Asparuh and the first capital was Pliska.

In 681 the Bulgarian State  acquired political recognition from the Byzantine Empire.

In 718 the Bulgarian Khan Tervel stopped the Arabic invasion.

IN 864 Knyaz Boris I converted the state to Orthodox Christianity.


Veliki Preslav during “Golden Age’’

The town was founded decades before it was declared for a capital – probably in the beginning of the ІХ century during the reign of the Khans Krum or Omurtag.

Following the official Christianisation (in 864) many Orthodox churches were built in Preslav, which explains about the vast number of the population and the gradual growth of the town.

In 893, Boris І declared the moving of the capital from Pliska to Preslav and placed Simeon on the throne (893-927). Tsar Simeon I remained in Bulgarian history with the nickname “The Great´´, and his government is defined as the “Golden Age’’.

 Bulgarian language was proclaimed the official language for liturgies and in state offices and the archaeological excavations prove that the town continued to develop and reached its magnificence during the reign of Tsar Peter (927-969).

 The Bulgarian capital could have been a rival of Constantinople with its magnificent palaces, temples and impressive buildings, linked with streets, squares and covered passages.

After “Golden Age´´

The magnificence of Preslav was lost after the death of Tsar Peter in 969 when the Bulgarian capital was occupied by prince Sviatoslav I of Kiev.

Two years later, in 971, Preslav was captured by the Byzantine Emperor John I Tzimiskes and called Ioanopolis.

During the period of the Second Bulgarian Empire  the town was an important administrative and metropolitan centre.

In 1388 Preslav was occupied by the troops of the Ottoman general Ali Pasha.

The liberation from the Ottoman Empire and the establishment of the Third Bulgarian State are in 1878.