Game Changer
Engaging Youth to Promote Inclusion, Open-Mindedness and to Counter Radicalisation
Game Changer is an international project funded by the European Union utilizing innovative technology and cross-sectoral cooperation to empower NGOs and youth leaders to respond to the growing trend of radical and/or extreme behavior in young people throughout Europe.
Game Changer promotes tolerance, respect and civic engagement among young people to prevent polarization within communities. Through education, online social media campaigns, and social city games Game Changer encourages youth to be more accepting of cultural differences, personal preferences and to engage in dialogue to eliminate cultural and lifestyle misconceptions.
Our aim was to encourage more young people to be the change in building a more inclusive, open-minded, diverse, and peaceful Europe.
OPEN SPACE Foundation is the official representative of the GAME CHANGER project for Bulgaria. The TechSoup Foundation team provided a variety of training, educational materials and expert support that allows us to work with youth around us to lead effective social media and social urban gaming campaigns and be a voice for change in their local communities.
Фондация ОПЪН СПЕЙС е официален представител на проекта GAME CHANGER за България. Екипът на TechSoup Foundation ни предоставиха разнообразни обучения, образователни материали и експертна подкрепа, които позволиха да водят ефективни кампании в социалните медии и социални градски игри и да бъдат глас за промяна в техните местни общности.