Travelling by train from Sofia:

You can take a train directly to Shumen from Sofia.

Travel time: 6 hours.

Price: One way ticket: 20 BGN. Two way ticket: 40 BGN.

Departure Time: Varies. Please see http: //


Travelling by bus from Sofia:

There are two ways to travel to Veliki Preslav from Sofia by bus.

Option 1: You can take a bus directly to Veliki Preslav from Sofia.

Travel time: 6 hours.

Price: One way ticket: 28 BGN. Two way ticket:47 BGN.

Departure time: 17:00 Monday – Sunday.


Option 2: You can take a bus a bus from Sofia to Shumen.

Travel time: 7 hours.

Price: One way ticket:30 BGN. Two way ticket: 52 BGN.

Departure time: Please see


When you arrive to Shumen:

Option 1: You can take a bus from Shumen to Preslav. The route lasts around half an hour and the price is two levas.

Option 2: You can also take a shared taxi to arrive to Preslav. It is a yelow car that, usually, it is just in front of the train station. The price is also two levas per person but the taxi has to be full; it means  the taxi has to bring four people. It is easy to find people to complet the taxi; they are normally waiting for more people around the taxi place.

With support of European program “Erasmus+”, KA1, Youth

Strategic EVS, 2017-2-BG01-KA135-036574