The discussion of ideas for the renovation of public spaces in the city of Veliki Preslav and the region along the “Move Your Finger” project has been concluded. The discussion started in the 25th of August in the municipality’s building and continued during the next days with the initiators and the groups which formed. 7 out of the 10 offers received will be financed through the program. At the moment the materials, which will be necessary for the renovation, as well as their prices are being negotiated, and the workings on the project will be going on during September.
This is what will be renovated:
- The playground behind the abandoned building in the farmer’s market;
- The playground in the village of Troitsa;
- The sports playground in the park;
- The fences and the benches around the old tree in front of the post;
- The playgrounds in the neighbourhood of Vinish;
- The garden next to the train station;
- A spot for board games in the library.
The environment in which we live depends on our efforts and care, and this is why we are telling you to “Move Your Finger”, and we invite you to join the innovation of these spaces. Each of the groups will announce when they start work and how you can join.
All type of support is welcome, be it work, tools, materials or finances.
How you can do it:
- Follow the news in social media with the hashtag #МръдниСиПръста
- Contact our team: Daniel Mateev- 0877 623 526 for more information on the project workings
- Come visit us and help by lending us tools or working
- Donate to our banking account:
Bank: OBB
IBAN: BG80 UBBS 8002 1041 6009 20
Name on the account: Open Space Foundation
Reason: the “Move Your Finger” program
Our program “Move Your Finger” is realized through our partnership and with the support of The Municipality of Veliki Preslav, The Ministry of Youth and Sport along The National Program for Youth 2016-2020