Футболните срещи за купата Sofia Starts Cup се отлагат за следващата седмица, заради метеорологичната обстановка. Не тъгувайте! Ще се видим скоро!
Sofia Stars Cup – Нов футболен турнир загрява терена на 97 СУ! Младите таланти на 97 СУ организират първото издание на футболен турнир на новото училищно игрище. София, 22.11.2014…
The G-LENS project and the media literacy conference The recent Sofia Information Integrity Forum (https://sofia-info-integrity.eu/ ) conference held in Sofia highlighted the growing problem of misinformation, especially targeting women and…
Lab Move Your Finger with a second edition Are you ready to change the world, starting with yourself? On October 30th, we will be visiting 97 Sofia school “Bratya Miladinovi”…
G-LENS Project Launch: Together Against Online Harassment and Disinformation We are pleased to announce the official launch of the G-LENS project! This is an ambitious initiative that will be implemented…