The New Issue of Voyager Magazine: Exploring Modern Trends and Green Ideas

The New Issue of Voyager Magazine: Exploring Modern Trends and Green Ideas

Open Space Foundation is proud to announce the release of the new issue of Voyager Magazine – an inspiring look into the world of modern trends and green ideas. Compiled with care by the young and ambitious members of the team, this number of songs presents role models, reveals the beauty and importance of green initiatives and emphasizes the importance of informing the future about the risks that new technologies bring.

In this issue of Voyager, our authors focus on role models who do not inspire us to be better and more environmentally responsible. We explore innovative approaches to sustainable development and share examples of successful practices that can be implemented in our daily lives.

Also, in this issue we explore the topic of “Green is Trendy” and how green practices and products are being created to contribute to a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle. From renewable energy sources to modern trends that support environmental values, this issue of Voyager reveals exciting perspectives and inspiring stories. In addition, the special article focuses on the risks that new e-cigarettes pose to society. 

We examine the impact of e-nicotine products on human health and the environment, aiming to highlight the importance of informed decision-making.

With the new issue of Voyager, we at the Open Space Foundation are committed to supporting education and public awareness of current topics and trends. We believe that knowledge is the key to building a better and sustainable future, and with this issue we hope to inspire you and provide you with valuable information for your path forward.

With a support of EU program “European Solidarity Corps”

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.