Issue 4 of Voyager magazine with interesting topics for your finances and work
Introducing the new issue of Voyager magazine, in which our editorial team (of young and inspired people) talk about important topics in life:
– finances and how to manage them;
– the risks of meme culture and messages from the new generation of influencers;
– we will take another look at green practices, this time meeting WANGARI MAATAI and her campaign to reforest Africa;
– we meet with several volunteers and talk about why you should be a volunteer;
– we open the door to the Belsitsa Nature Park near the town of Petrich, Bulgaria, where a volunteer team acts as eco-guardians.
What else? Grab your coffee or tea and open the magazine. Enjoy reading!
The magazine is made by the young people in our team.
Funded by the European Union, under the “European Solidarity Corps” program. However, the views and opinions expressed are entirely those of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the EACEA is responsible for them.