Turning Waste into Opportunities: The Compost in the Historical Park of Samuilova Fortress

Unplanned skills Turning Waste into Opportunities: The Compost in the Historical Park of Samuilova Fortress

In light of the ever-growing concern for the environment and the desire for a sustainable future, cities are becoming the scene of innovative ideas for waste processing. In the city of Petrich (Bulgaria), in the historical park of Samuilova Fortress, a new and inspiring initiative has appeared – the installation of composting boxes with the aim of encouraging people to actively participate in the process of processing biological waste.

The idea of compost in the park not only represents environmental awareness, but also aims to attract the attention of the community and involve them in the active care of the environment. It is important to emphasize that this is not only an innovation, but also the result of cooperation between citizens and the municipality. The interesting fact surrounding the idea of compost is related to the brainstorming event held with the participation of local residents on the OPIN.ME platform. This process of group thinking and gathering ideas led to the proposals that were presented to the municipality. It’s great to see some of these already supported, such as the initiative to put composting bins in public places. – says Pepa Peneva, Chairman of the Board of the Open Space Foundation.

Currently, two compost bins are located in the park, with young activists and enthusiasts engaged in their filling and maintenance. This commitment not only contributes to the processing of waste, but also educates a new generation to care for the environment and live a sustainable lifestyle.


Creating opportunities to process waste through composting in the park not only promotes environmental awareness, but also turns the site into a community hub. People who commit to this initiative send a strong message about the importance of cooperation and caring for nature.

Composting in the Historical Park of Samuilova Fortress is only the beginning of the road to a healthier and more sustainable environment. This is a model that not only lays the foundations for waste processing, but also nurtures people’s awareness of active participation in nature conservation.

Developing Civic Self-Awareness: From Responsibility to Participation.

The initiative of placing composting boxes in the historical park of Samuilova Fortress in the city of Petrich is not only a step towards a sustainable environment, but also a step towards activating civic self-awareness. This development process is not an isolated case, but part of the wider work carried out by the Open Space Foundation team.

The focus of the foundation’s work is on building responsible behavior for both our actions and our inactions. This includes caring for the environment and the people who inherit it. For the past 2.5 years, the foundation’s team has been working on the ACTIon project with colleagues from Bulgaria, Germany, North Macedonia, Greece and Belgium, aimed at activating civic participation and providing information about our rights, including online.

One of the tools proposed as a result of the project is the OPIN.ME platform. This platform has already been translated into Bulgarian and is available for use by municipalities, institutions and all interested parties. The purpose of the platform is to bring people together for discussions and brainstorms, giving them the opportunity to propose and choose the most relevant and satisfying solutions for their communities.

OPIN.ME provides the ability to participate and vote through electronic devices, making the process quick and easy. This tool allows people to participate without leaving the comfort of their homes, sitting comfortably in front of their computers or mobile devices.

The idea of compost in the park in Petrich is a perfect example of how such initiatives not only improve the environment, but also stimulate the participation of people in the community. As part of this process of developing civic self-awareness, the OPIN.ME platform can play a key role by providing an opportunity to express opinions and take part in important community decisions.

Building civic self-awareness is not a momentary event, but a process that builds over time. Involving people in discussions and decision-making about their communities not only empowers them, but also strengthens their connection to and responsibility for the environment.

Project partners:

The project is financed by: “Erasmus+” program, Support for reforms, KA3 Social inclusion through Education, trainings and youth