If you are between the age of 16 and 26, and you want to express your thoughts on which are the big obstacles in front of the young people nowadays and how we can overcome them, send us your essay at: pr@openspacebg.com till the 01.11.2017 and you will have the chance to win an awesome gift!
The best 3 essays from Uganda, Italy and Tanzania will win a wireless Bluetooth speaker by Creative and will be published at – www.openspeacebg.com.
The essay must not have more than 1000 words. Don’t forget to include your:
• Name
• E-mail
• Age
• And a short description of yourself.
The winners will be announced on 15.11.2017. Good luck!
The project “Art and Culture for Unity” is realized with financial support of European commission, program “Erasum+”, Key Action 2: Capacity development of youth workers in a field of youth in a partnership with: