Last evening, at the French Institute in Sofia, two lovely narrators got us familiar face to face with the life in Tanzania.
A month and a half after the start of their volunteer projects, Monica and Maria are in their home now. With a lot of nostalgia and sincere love, they walked us from Chamino to Zanzibar, Kilimanjaro, Kenya and again back to Chamino. They told us about the water, being the greatest luxury of the life there; about the waste that you have to deal with by yourself, or at least to carry it 40km away from the village to throw it away in containers; about the plastic bags which are already banned in Tanzania; how to give presents when you have nothing; about the music and the festivals, the food and the welcoming; about the dreams, friendships and personal growth which they experienced… it was so interesting that we didn’t want to leave the hall.
You must have read some of their reports uploaded on the social networks. There is no way you could not feel their charge. It hits you right in the heart and remains deep, deep ithere nside.
“Such moments are the barometer of the things we do” said Pepa Peneva, the coordinator of their project, after the meeting.
Thank you Моника Угренова и Maria LadyGreen Nikiforova!
If you missed their story about the life in Tanzania, follow our page. There will be more meetings alike !
The girls were in Tanzania with a financial support of European program “Erasmus+”, Key Action 2; Capacity building in the field of youth. With a hospitality of French Institute in Sofia.