New Library in Chamwino, Tanzania

One wonderful project is already working at full speed!

Here’s what the new library in Chamwino, Tanzania looks like:

After the construction of the premises was finished, there were purchased and provided more than 100 books for the library center in the village. The region’s population is growing rapidly. Only until last year there were 2 primary schools and 3 secondary schools, that were crowded with students: with 100 kids per classroom. 3 kids were sitting on every desk (usually intended for use by two people), and for the others there were not even desks. The region is already planned and the government is heavily investing in his infrastructure construction. More and more people are settling in, which the government is trying to gather around one administrative center in order to provide water, electricity and medical care for the people living there.

Our colleagues from Chamwino Arts Center together with Chamwino connect in the recent months have been working hard for the implementation of a helping training center – with a library, a hall for computer training and work. Our volunteer is still there to help the organization, like conducting computer literacy courses, advertising in the social networks and organizing an art drawing class.

We are happy with our colleagues’ success and we invite you to support their project with:

  • sharing books and textbooks in English –in electronic version. Formats: epub, modi, pdf
  • or donating money for buying new books. Account to donate:

Bank: UBB

IBAN:   BG80 UBBS 8002 1041 6009 20 –  in levas the local currency

IBAN:   BG97 UBBS 8002 1424 6699 10 – in euros


Account holder:  Foundation “Open Space”

Reason for the money transfer: library in Tanzania

More about the Tanzania initiative:

“Education is the key to life”!