Round table on “Europe-Africa cooperation: In Search for Solutions to Regional and Global Challenges”

May 14, 10:00 in the hall: 2028A, UNWE

The Department of International Relations at University of National and World Economics and Open Space Foundation are pleased to invite you to a discussion forum devoted to the development of political and economic cooperation between the countries of Europe and Africa. The round table will discuss topics related to the effects of partnership development on a local, national, regional and global scale. The debate is oriented towards discussing the interactions between the countries of the two continents, their sustainability and dynamics, the specific benefits for the participants, as well as the difficulties in their realization, as well as a number of issues that correspond to the organizational process, the resource provision, the integration of good practices, the adaptation to local circumstances, etc.
The forum will include young people from Tanzania, Uganda and Bulgaria, participants in the project “Art and Culture for Unity”, funded under the Erasmus + program, as well as interns from the University of National and World Economy and Sofia University, choosing to make their student practice in non-governmental an organization involved in its practical work on issues.
The Open Space Foundation has been working with organizations from Africa since 2014 to focus on developing the capacity of the youth workers. Will be present the results of the observation to overcome significant problems with the development of cooperation through the lens of sustainability and organizational development.

Deadline for submission of applications: 8 May 2018

Contacts: Pepa Peneva, Open Space Foundation
Mob: 0889916483, e-mail:



The event happen under the project “Art and culture for Unity”,

with support of  European program “Erasmus+”, Key Action 2: capacity building in the field of youth

in a partnership and hospitality of University of National and World Economy (UNWE), Department of International economy and politics