New trainees in our team:
Advertising and publicity:
Marsida is originally from Albania and has lived with her family in Italy for more than 15 years.
She is responsible for:
- maintaining our websites and with news, information about upcoming initiatives and useful articles;
- Publish information on our Facebook and Instagram pages;
- Preparation of a newsletter for our subscribers.
Period: September 2020 – March 2021
Managing projects
Mouhammed Ali Mlaihy is from France (born in Tunis).
You will find and will work with him in projects linked with:
- non-formal education, children camps, gaming;
- volunteering teams;
- project “We did it together” in Veliki Preslav.
Period: December 2020 – June 2021
Human resources
Therese Fuchs is from Germany.
She will help us in:
- recruit process of new volunteers, participants for youth exchanges and local activities;
- preparing people for traveling;
- follow up activities and evaluation process after mobilities.
Period: February – August 2021
Part of the life of our trainees:
With financial support of program “European Solidarity corps” of EU, project “Intern in the program “We did it together”, number: 2019-3-BG01-ESC21-077900

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