With two interesting events this week, we saw the presence of our African friends: the opening of the Shamusa Kagoya exhibition in Uganda and the screening of the film “Nairobi – Life in Half,” followed by a discussion with moderator Gudrun Mwanyika (Tanzania).

The exhibition of Shamusa Kagoya presents footage of the lives and livelihood of the working people in Africa. Its canvas is full of color and mood, such as Uganda, rightly called the “Pearl of Africa”. The exhibition is in the Metropolitan Library, the Marble Lounge – 2 floors (Slavejkov square) and can be seen until 26.11.2017. Shami says she wants her to show the other face of Africa, just as we do not notice the news about diseases, wars, corruption, emigrants.

And, as is the case with such events, the small cocktail of traditional Ugandan “rolexs” was prepared by Sara Natabi (Uganda).

At the other end of the emotions was the film “Nairobi – half live”, which was chosen as the third of a series of events that Gudrun Mwanyika of Tanzania organized in Sofia. His idea is that African reality and culture are told by the Africans themselves, and in our case with film productions by African cinema companies. The film from his third event tells of the dream of a young man who has arrived in Nairobi’s Kenya Center, hoping to find a scene on the stage and in the cinema. Upon arrival, the hero falls into a string of unpleasant situations that step by step reveal the lives of young gangsters and their desire for quick and easy money. Challenges are lurking everywhere, but one such film has the potential to influence many young people facing the complex problems of the day. How to survive, live and realization if everything around you is schematics, theft, lawlessness and corruption. Issues that are very scary in front of the African population, regardless of the country they inhabit.


The guest of the screening was Mr. Mashudebele Mamabolo, an Advisor at the Southern African Embassy in Sofia, who congratulated Gudrun Mwanyika on his work on presenting all the shades of this far-flung Africa.

The events are part of our project “Art and Culture for Unity”, co-funded by the European Program “Erasmus +”, Key Activity 2: Developing Youth Capacity Capacity

By hosting the Metropolitan Library