What’s’Art – raise a hand for your human rights
by Alexandra Tzankova (http://truestory.bg)
Human rights are ethical principles or social norms that set certain standards of human behavior and are generally regarded as fundamental and universal rights that “each person possesses at birth, only because he or she is a human being”. They must not be confiscated, except as a result of a fair trial and under specific circumstances.
As human beings, in our right to receive the same conditions of existence and development, we must know that each of us has the right for life, liberty and personal safety, without any differences based on race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, material, social or other position.
Each person has the right to move freely and to choose his residence within each country, deserves the opportunity to receive social security, education, free choice of work, fair and favorable working conditions, protection against unemployment, and rest and recreation conditions.
Do we really know our rights, and do we get the necessary respect towards them?
The idea of the What’s’Art project – a training course in Poznan, Poland, is born in response to today’s alarming situation in Europe, when it becomes increasingly more clear that even our human rights, which seem fundamental and indisputable to all of us, can be lost in just one day.
In many countries we are seeing increasing hatred, discrimination and violation of human rights. More and more EU citizens are categorizing refugees as a potential danger, and even in the long run neighbors of different nationalities are beginning to see enemies in each other. Looking back, in the past couple of years, the Polish government has rejected the EU refugee reception system by denying asylum to war victims and has been trying to deny Polish women the right to make decisions about their own health and body – to be able have an abortion when it is confirmed that the fetus is severely damaged or may be the cause of the mother’s death.
Тунелът, история на протестите за правата на човека от 60-те години на миналия век до наши дни.We can write about human rights, but not all people have the opportunity to read what’s written. We can protest, but protests usually have a short impact over time. That is why we need to go out on the streets and reach those who spend most of their time there – the younger generations who will soon determine the future of the world.
Street art – frescoes, graffiti and stickers – is one of the most popular means of expressing yourself amongst young people. For this reason, the aim of the What’s’Art project is to help young EU social workers to use it to promote human rights in their local environment – through positive speeches on permitted public spaces to replace the hate speech. We were also part of the training group, thanks to the Open Space Foundation.

Тунелът, история на протестите за правата на човека от 60-те години на миналия век до наши дни и хората, работили по инсталацията
Good examples inspire. They wake up in us the desire to be part of the next such example and leave our positive trace in it. Here in Bulgaria. Imagine how more meaningful our public spaces would be if they described examples that unite us as human beings rather than separate us from a pointless odious speech. How much more comfortable we would feel in a society that understands the importance of asserting its rights and protecting its dignity. How much more proud we would be to live in a place that hears our needs and supports us in our difficulties.
We dream of such a society. And from such a place we could not even think of running.
Positive change is like a fire- ignited by a few smoldering coals and reborn into a beautiful red-gold storm from the flames of justice. I wish to see the fire of our strong society, fighting for a better future, remembering the mistakes of the past, so as not to repeat them. That fire of change, embracing the burning flame of the positive human power that can cure worlds. Do you want it?
Be the spark in tomorrow’s day.
The project is funded by the European Program “Erasmus +”, KА1: Mobilities for citizens
an idea and with hospitality of