Second season of the ‘Cinema workshop with Alberto’ is happening this year
The measures for containing the dispersal of COVID-19 have significantly slowed down the beginning, but during the summer months the young adults managed to work quite a bit.
This year Monica Ugrenova, with whom we acquainted you for her project in Tanzania, also joined the workshop. Monica has finished her degree in acting and directing, and has participated in a plethora of plays. The themes discussed by the participants included the art of acting, the messages a movie could convey and the magic of movies as a whole.
The second part of the workshop was with Alberto Regieri from Italy.
Alberto’s work with youths attending the DEMO centre MIR in the ‘Fakulteta’ neighbourhood started last summer. Inspired by the results and their interpersonal connection, a more serious and in-depth work was planned out this year. In small teams, the participants distributed their tasks, decided on the role each one would assume, invented a plot with conflicts and a denouement, and, of course, had fun.
You can now follow their productions in their new YouTube channel: Видео работилница
Subscribe and follow along their development. There will be surprises, we promise!
A few spoilers from the production of the youths:
The video laboratory is realized with the support of Program “Culture 2020” of Sofia Minucipality