ACTIon with a piloting training course in Targovishte
On 18 and 19 June in Targovishte town we did a training course for leaders of public opinion.
We tested the program MOLA, which our colleagues from Foundation “Health and Social Development“ (HESED) developed for the project ACTIon.
ACTIon is an educational project under the program Erasmus+ that aims at improving the young people’s digital skills in different contexts and atmospheres of education (ofline and online) by encouraging the participants to become active citizens online.
MOLA comes from the name “Model of Opinion Leaders’ Activation“. Something key for this work model is to identify and educate the so-called “Leaders of opinion“- popular and liked members of society who later influence the behavior and attitudes of other members of their group, and this way, they change the social norms in the frame of the their society as a whole. MOLA is developed by HESED with the idea that the leaders can influence the behavior and attitude of their peers online.
The program will also be piloted in Veliki Preslav town in August, and at the end of September, we will present it in Shumen and Tragovishte regions.
You can find more about the project ACTIon – Promoting of active citizenship through civic education and active online participation on the website:
The project is financed by “Erasmus+” program, Support of reforms, Social engagement via education, trainings and youths.
Partners in the project:
- Nexus Институт за управление на сътрудничеството и интердисциплинарни изследвания e.V, (nexus) Germany (coordinator)
- Фондация “Здравеопазване и социално развитие” (HESED), Bulgaria
- Фондация “Open Space” (OSF), Bulgaria
- ALL DIGITAL, Belguim
- Действие Синергия S.A., Greece
- Коалиция на младежки организации (SEGA), North Macedonia