The G-LENS project and the media literacy conference The recent Sofia Information Integrity Forum (https://sofia-info-integrity.eu/ ) conference held in Sofia highlighted the growing problem of misinformation, especially targeting women and…
On November 7, a meeting was held between students from the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) and representatives of several NGOs in Bulgaria – “Maria’s World”, Health and…
Lab Move Your Finger with a second edition Are you ready to change the world, starting with yourself? On October 30th, we will be visiting 97 Sofia school “Bratya Miladinovi”…
Място: офис гр. София Продължителност: от 1 май 2023 г. до 29 септември 2023 г. очаквана продължителност: 240 работни часа гъвкавост в датите и работния график, според обучителната ви програма…
Every last Wednesday of the month of February is observed as the World Day Against Bullying at School. It is known as “Pink Shirt Day”. Its history began in Canada…