VOYAGER #9/2022 

We present to you the new issue of the magazine of the young people in our team.
In the issue we read about:
– Art residency in Poland
– A serious topic: the mafia and what society can do with their confiscated properties – in search of answers, we voiced the exchange youth in Italy, and what else…
– ACTION two hotspots this month: in V. Preslav, young people are working on the subject of bullying at school, and in Sofia – a meeting of project coordinators is being held.
– We meet again with Aylin, who receives a scholarship and studies in Thailand
– In “Move Your Fingers” we will meet the young people of Petrich
– From the lives of our volunteers – shared for the people of Veliki Preslav, and in Sofia – we invited guests and together we tried recipes from Poland.
– Read about the open calls for artists and amateurs
and above all, get inspired and participate. Traveling for the purpose of educational mobility is also traveling towards yourself. What you find is a matter of searching and there can be many solutions. Be brave! Enjoy reading!