Bulgaria life style
borrowed from the blog of our Volunteers: here)
Working with kids:
Ironies of life. I never imagined myself working with children, I had always thought that the world of adults was for me. I have a brother of nine years, and what despite the fact that I love him I have never devoted myself to my time in playing with him, in discovering his childhood point of view.
That’s what new experiences and challenges consist of, to discover that you have something inside you that you do not know, that you surprisingly know how to handle with them and that despite the language barrier, a smile and a hug are part of a universal language, just like the Macarena, instant solution for any problem.
To be able to collaborate during this short period of time in their cultural development and be able to tell them that with ambition and work all is posible. there is one of the firmest things that I will take to Spain when I return.
By the way, it takes me days to pronounce the word “bird” in bulgarian and my kids are laughing of me all the time , but I’ve promised myself to say it perfectly in these weeks.
In short it has been a fantastic week, the first with a kind of routine, practising yoga in bulgarian and looking like meatballs at the same time. Returning to the beach, finding a bottle with a message inside and discovering Burgas. It could not go better
Text by: María Mínguez
Living the history of Preslav
“The Truth about the riches, beauty and exceptional scientific value of Veliki Preslav was discovered by a humble teacher born inthe town of Preslav – his name was Yordan Gospodinov. He searched for information, clues, collected chance finds discoveredaccidentally by farmers, questioned old people. He also managed to collect money and assemble a group of people to excavate amound covered by trees and bushes, convinced that we would find there the jewel in the crown of Preslav architecture, Simeon’sRound or Golden Church. And so he did. “ Magdalina Stancheva
We are those lucky ones who are living and touching history every day, and not only for being able to work in the excavation… in the museum every moment we are becoming aware of the importance of Veliki Prelav, his footprint in the past and it having witnessed different cultures times of splendor but also of wars. And that is … Preslav is a real survivor!!! Every day we discover how the ancient Preslav and the capital of Simeon deserved praise from the beginning for its treasures and buildings, where the admiration of all the travelers who visited it was completely justified.
The work between Veliki’s history books and translating them into our native language makes it possible for us to have more in-depth knowledge by having to analyze each word, and not make just a quick reading. We are also fortunate to see objects that are not exhibited in the museum and have the numismatic expert who is responsible for describing the coins at our side to teach and show us Greek coins and even a small sample of the time of Trajan that has been found in the ones around Shumen. Can we be more lucky to be here?
Text by: Daya Morales
Improvising and discovering the Romanian Wonder!
This trip to Romania has been a legendary improvised and crazy experience from the beginning. We hadn’t planned anything … we went to the adventure and the truth is… that it couldn’t go better.
First of all, we have to thank Marius, our personal hero who made it possible for us to get to the bus in record time, a real definition of Fast and furious. To sum up, we are so in love with the country… and its culture is surprisingly similar to the Spanish and Italian…maybe for sharing origins (yes, we were lucky enough to understand the language ;P) but the biggest surprise was Brasov as a fairytale city, Rasnov and its spectacular views that gave us the chance to walking in a forest worthy of film to the famous natural cave, and the iconic castle of Dracula that was AWESOME! Although it seems small from the outside… inside, it’s a wonder!!! and you can feel the magic of its labyrinthine spaces! maybe it would be great to go back in autumn on Halloween!
What do we wont forget from Romania? its wonderful landscapes, its enchanted castles and the people always with a smile ready to help us that make us forget the fatigue of a journey of many hours knowing the streets of bucharest at night, trains, buses, vans and taxis. We can say that Transylvania is worth it and it is one of those places you should go to at least once in your life. See you soon Romania!
Text by: Daya Morales
Life abroad:
The abroad life could be difficult because we already miss a lot of things and we are in a small town… But I am sure that we forgot that hard part because we really love what we are doing here (in the excavation, with kids, in the museum) and also we have the chance to travel!!!
So, I would recommend to experience this to everyone! Even with all the fatigue of a looong journey
Sometimes you need to get away from home for a while to appreciate what you have, as well as to empathize and understand that not all life forms are the same. The differences move the world and make it exceptional
Text by: Daya Morales & María Mínguez
Project realized with financial support of European Program “Erasum+”, Key Action 1: mobilities for youth, and Veliki Preslav municipality