New deadline for Art residencies of ECHO 3: for memory’s sake


The deadline for applying for art residencies under the ECHO III: for memory’s sake project is EXTENDED

We are looking for 24 artists, 6 Greeks, 6 Romanians, 6 Bulgarians, 6 Albanians, working in the area of theater, music, fine arts and literature.


Deadline for application:  4 November 2022

Results will be announced on: 10 November 2022 



Greece  |  Theatre   |    01/2023 – 03/2023 (46 days)   

Information, requirements and how to apply:  HERE

Bucharest  |  Visual Artists  |   03/2023 (2 weeks)

Information, requirements and how to applyHERE

Sofia  |  Music   |   01/2023 – 02/2023 (2 weeks) 

Information, requirements and how to applyHERE

Tirana  |  Writers   |   02/2023  (2 weeks) 

Information, requirements and how to applyHERE

A traveling ART Caravan in which all the artists from the art residencies will participate

will visit: Budapest, Vidin, Sofia, Yonaina, Albasan and Tirana – 09/2023 (11 days)


ECHO III: for memory’s sake is an arts and cultural heritage project that aims to bring together artists working in theatre, music, visual arts and literature to explore tradition and culture through the themes of marriage, arranged marriages and nuclear families in the Balkan context. More specifically, the aim is to explore gender roles and norms throughout history and how it all affects young people and artists living in Europe. “ECHO III” is the sequel to ECHO I & II,


It is financed by the European program “Creative Europe”


In partnership with: