Today the energy is up, laughter can be heard and a plethora of activities are being held in club “Peroto” in the City Library of Veliki Preslav. If we have a look at the chilled spaces in the library, we will see children and youths which are playing board games and doing art. Today, a few boys are playing chess, cards and word board games, while the rest are making pottery together with volunteers from Italy.
The volunteers are organizing different activities for the local community according to their interests. Working with kids is one of these young adults’ favourite activities.
Дейностите по проекта се реализират благодарение на Европейската програма „Еразъм+“ – Европейска Доброволческа Служба и има за цел да подпомогне ключови компетенции според талантите и хобитата на младежите.
The activities on the project are realized thanks to the European Program “Erasmus+”, KA1 – European Volunteering Service, and their goal is to help key competencies depending on the talents and hobbies of youths.