Новото издание на Voyager е тук! Младите гласове разказват истории за щастие, пътешествия и музика The new issue of Voyager is here! Young voices tell stories of happiness,...
open it Dear readers, In front of you is the new issue of "Voyager" magazine, where we present to you the world of the inspiring future generation - we, the...
Issue 4 of Voyager magazine with interesting topics for your finances and work Introducing the new issue of Voyager magazine, in which our editorial team (of young and inspired...
VOYAGER #11 This month's issue is a little more special. It is dedicated to Green practices. We search for ideas, analyze, create, thinking above all about Environmental Debt Day. "Laboratory...
Voyager #7/2022, the magazine of young people in our team. Youth tell us about: Art-residency in Greece; Youth Exchange in Italy; in the "Hot chair" - we met 2 our...
Voyager, the magazine of the young people in the team is with 5th consecutive issue. Young people talk about: your work in Petrich and the pleasure of being part of...
Voyager, the magazine of the young people in our team and a certain third issue. Its pages will feature new stories shared by young people. What happens to them during...
Voyager, списанието за младите хора в екипа ни и неговия втори брой е вече пред нас. Прави се от млади хора, разказва техните истории, успехи, постижения. В броя се срещаме...
Voyager е списание за развитието на младите хора. Прави се от млади хора, разказва техните истории, успехи, постижения. Брой 1 за 2022 година в вече готов и се вълнуваме да...