The mobile application F.I.R.E. for online education of active citizens affiliated with the NGO sectors is already available in Google Play and Apple Store.
The application offers three educational modes:
- leadership
- project planning
- the art of communication
F.I.R.E. (From Idea to Reality & Execution) arrives to help develop the necessary management and operational skills for working in the NGO sector. If you have ever felt difficulty persuading people, if you lack knowledge or confidence, don’t waste time- study! The content is presented with short texts, videos and examples from reality. By downloading it from your phone, you have the advantage of studying everywhere, wherever you are. It’s enough to have 10-20 minutes of free time to work on a particular theme.
We are offering a questionnaire to assess your progress. For each module you can order and receive a certificate.
The application is created to make the passage from face-to-face education to independent study, especially for people who cannot spend time and resources to participate in face-to-face learning. After the worldwide pandemic, we are giving you the comfort to grow and educate yourself without risking your health.
What you have to do to use the application:
1/. Visit or find F.I.R.E in or
2/.Download the app on your mobile devices (phone or tablet)
3/. Use it.
The product is a result of our two-year long work on the ‘F.I.R.E From Idea to Reality & Execution’ financed by the European program ‘Erasmus+’, Key activity 2: development of the capacity with youths. Each learning module is created after conducting trainings with the participants from Europe, Africa and Asia and their feedback. It is the product of the long-term work of experts in the given areas and offers four languages for use: Bulgarian, English, Swahili and Hindi.

Partners on the project: