EUROPE HUB – strEngthening yoUth entRepreneurship fOr imProving civil Economy and enHancing inclUsive Business
The EUROPE HUB Workbook and Toolkit are finally ready!
These two documents are born from the idea that the activity of countering organized crime, which is increasingly globalized and active on a transnational level, also has a fundamental moment in the involvement and empowerment of young people and civil society. Already for years the associative realities that deal with these issues have been moving in this direction. It is a process that began in 1997 when Libera attended a public hearing in the European Parliament as part of the resolution for the action plan against organized crime, which has come in 2019 to the presentation of the CHANCE network’s political agenda to the European Parliament, which includes the promotion of the public and social reuse of criminal assets and the implementation of specific activities to promote the in-depth study and discussion of the issue within the institutional context.
The EUROPE HUB project is a direct outgrowth of this effort, which aims to strengthen cooperation among CHANCE’s network associations in the youth field, and to raise awareness of the impact of social entrepreneurship on youth employment opportunities, with a focus on social enterprises developed in confiscated property at the European level.
The Workbook and Toolkit arise from the efforts of activists and is aimed at those organizations that:
– are committed to improving ethical and legal economic activities aimed at promoting inclusion, overcoming poverty and empowering young people;
– are looking for information and expertise to support their lobbying activities with local, national and European authorities to promote the reallocation of property confiscated from organized crime to social/economic projects that have community benefit as their main objective;
– are engaged in involving young people in social entrepreneurship initiatives;
– are seeking guidance on how organizations and partners/sponsors can promote the reallocation of confiscated property for social projects;
– they need examples of social projects that have used confiscated property elsewhere in Europe to assess risks and learn from other experiences.
The two documents can be downloaded as PDFs here.
With support of EU program Erasmus+