Since today, in Veliki Preslav, pay for video news.
The initiative is aimed at locals who want to fill an information hole that appeared after the local Preslav Tribuna newspaper was stopped. The newspaper went out once a week, and its circulation has exhausted itself for hours. People want to know what is happening in their city, what are the decisions of the municipal councilors and the administration, but mostly to see acquaintances and to read what and how it happened to them. After stopping funding from the city council, local people are starving for news. There is no local cable TV, nor radio spots to report deaths. The idea of the team is to make at least one broadcast per month and to present it on the Internet and on the service channel of the local provider MSAT.
The first show is already a fact. You can watch it here as well as on the MSAT channel every Friday from 10:00 and 18:00.
We wish the team inspiration for the next shows and reports to inspire us for good deeds.
The local TV project “Veliki Preslav” is implemented under our program “Alternatives in Veliki Preslav” with the financial support of the National Youth Program (2016-2020) of the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

Проектът се изпълнява с финансовата подкрепа на
Национална програма за младежта (2016-2020),
Министерство на младежта и спорта
Проект “Алтернативи в гр.Велики Преслав”
Номер на договора: 25-00-56/17.09.2018