Back in action: the theme of “Game Changer” and dealing with radicalization through games
This time we played “After the fall” or analyzing the world after an apocalypse.
The participants in the game were part of an elite intelligence group which was invedtigating the ruins after the collapse of civilization. The high concentration of people in one place had reached critical levels and the resulting tension had plunged the world into anarchy, civil unrest and a war for dwindling resources. Within the framework of the game, one explores and looks for answers, solves puzzles, and deals with special missions.
Сега се подготвяме за следващата група – ученици от 11 клас от 97 СОУ “Братя Миладинови” София. Усилията им през изминалите няколко месеца на лок-даун и електронно обучение, както и изобретателността им, ще бъдат предизвикани в нова ситуация. В четвъртък – 13 май ще ги поканим да преживеят ново приключение и ще ги поканим да разкажат опита си като “Game Changers”
The first trials of the game were held in a specially selected and arranged space for this purpose, which was found in Sofia’s 97th High School “Bratya Miladinovi”. 5 teams faced challenges and surprises. They underestimated and did not take advantage of all the possible resources which they had at their disposal. Nonetheless, they managed to solve all the mysteries and save the world.
We are now preparing for the next group: 11th graders from Sofia’s 97th High School “Bratya Miladinovi”. Their efforts over the past few months of lockdown and online learning, as well as their ingenuity are going to be put to the test in a new situation. On Thursday, May the 13th, we will invite them to experience a new adventure and encourage them to share their experience as “Game Changers”.
The game is part of the project “Game Changers” by the TechSoup Foundation which offers interesting games to prevent radicalization among young people. Our team has been fortunate enough to experience these games and we would be happy to share with you the energy and experience that the games offer.

An idea of our volunteers, with support of program “European Solidarity corps” of EU