On 1-st August we met a youth brigade of volunteers who will help excavations in the second capital of Bulgaria and the museum in Veliki Preslav in the next 45 days.
24 young people from Sweden, Latvia, Poland, Spain, Italy and Portugal chose to join a cause and spend part of their summer helping. The tasks that the youngsters will perform are: assistance in the excavation and reconstruction of the Necropolis near the palace complex, restoration of clay and metal products found during excavations, translation of museum materials into their languages and recording of audio files for visitors. Parallel to their arrival, we also found a summer school for children and youth from Veliki Preslav and those who are visiting their grandparents. Getting to know each of the participating countries, their characters, celebrities (athletes, musicians, actors), historical and geographic comparisons are part of the topics children will explore with the help of our volunteers and team.
Current news about life, work and how to spend your free time can be found in Maria’s blog from Spain: here
With support of European program “Erasum+”, Key Action 1: mobility for youth, and Veliki Preslav munisipality