With great regret, we are observing what is happening in the U.S.A and the constant injustice towards black people.
Nobody deserves such treatment!
Nobody should be privileged or unprotected only because of being born with a certain skin colour, in a certain geographical location or because of an ethnic, religious or national identity.
“The anger and the frustration we see playing out once again in our streets is just a reminder of how little we’ve grown as a country from our original sin of slavery. The fact that we aren’t actually buying and selling other human beings anymore is not a badge of honour. We need systemic change in our law enforcement and in our criminal justice system. This is our pandemic. It infects all of us, and in 400 years we’ve yet to find a vaccine”, writes the Hollywood actor, director, producer and activist George Clooney in his editorial on The Daily Beast (https://www.thedailybeast.com/george-clooney-on-the-murder-of-george-floyd-americas-greatest-pandemic-is-anti-black-racism).
#AgainstRacism: Education