A sensible and emotional week for some of the most active young people in our team.

Youth exchanges in Latvia brought together young people from Turkey, Latvia, Italy, Belgium and Croatia. “Bullying is not cool” was a topic chosen by the Latvian youth group. Being aware of a serious problem at school and beyond, the young people posed the question, “What do I know about the subject?” and “How can I help myself to solve this problem in school?”

The work started a month and a half before the exchange here in Sofia. Do research on the most common topics of harassment, which are the most common victims of bullying, is there a repeat pattern? And is there a way out of the tunnel? Where to seek help, the victims of harassment, and how to counteract it?

After the study, the group wrote scenarios, the roles and tasks were distributed, and after 10 days there was a ready-made video. The story the group shared was harassing a girl at school, including insults in appearance, weight, boyfriends.

Within the exchange, the participants talked about their observations and personal experiences on the subject. They have produced several new productions together, focusing on the possible consequences if the harassment is not stopped or the victim is left alone to survive, which we are very happy to share with you:

Social experiments in Valmiera city about how people react on Bullying situations on street between young's #erasmus #bullyingisnotcool

Публикувахте от Daina Roze в 2 август 2017 г.

"Video 4" about youth problem solving #bullyingisnotcool #erasmuslv with horror point of view

Публикувахте от Daina Roze в 1 август 2017 г.

"Video 3" about youth problem solving #bullyingisnotcool #erasmuslv with romantic point of view

Публикувахте от Daina Roze в 26 юли 2017 г.

"Video 2" About youth problems threw comedy #eramusLV #bullyingisnotcool

Публикувахте от Daina Roze в 26 юли 2017 г.

"Video I" about youth problem solving #bullyingisnotcool #erasmusLV documental point of view

Публикувахте от Daina Roze в 26 юли 2017 г.

There were actions in the town to provoke people and check their reactions when they witness acts of harassment. The surprising (or not so) was the lack of adequate response in people, someone even took their bags and moved away from the place (probably not themselves).

This provoked new group discussions and motivation for the videos to be shared at school with classmates. Every week the classes are class hour. One of the topics in these meetings could be harassment and how to develop sensitivity and empathy towards victims and intolerance to the bully. We come to class leaders to accept the idea and to give a front for such a discussion.

The mobility happen with the support of program “Erasmus+” of European commission, Key Action 1

Host organization: Youth organization “Ligzda”, Latvia.