Open Call ECHO Academies: Photographers and Architects @Budapest, Hungary, 4-24 September 2023 About “ECHO Ac” As a part of ECHO Academies Project, a Creative Europe project coordinated by InterAlia, ECHO…
Място: офис гр. София Продължителност: от 1 май 2023 г. до 29 септември 2023 г. очаквана продължителност: 240 работни часа гъвкавост в датите и работния график, според обучителната ви програма…
Open Space Foundation and CHANCE (Civic Center Against Organized Crime in Europe), in collaboration with the Libera Network, are organizing a screening of the documentary “The Murder of a Journalist”…
We are pleased to invite you to a film festival that starts in Athens, Greece and will be held in Sofia: Postively Different Short Film Festival (PDSFF) PDSFF is a…
Open call for volunteers: 45 days out-door activities with kids and youth in Bulgaria TOPIC: Out-door activities with 8 – 15 years old youth. – Games with historical topics,…
Open call for volunteers: 45 days archaeological excavations in Bulgaria TOPIC: Archaeological excataions and preserving the cultural heritage WHEN: 24.07 – 06.09.2023 WHERE: Bulgaria, 3 groups in 3…
Every last Wednesday of the month of February is observed as the World Day Against Bullying at School. It is known as “Pink Shirt Day”. Its history began in Canada…