Carrier day in 97 High school “Bratia Miladinovi” Sofia

For the second year, the school’s team invites representatives of companies and experts for meetings with their students.

The forum this year was larger and divided thematically, as in the early hours a dual training program was presented and the opportunity for young people to study and practice in the big chains: Lidl, Kauflaund, Billa… Then the students met with representatives of different companies and experts with whom they spoke about the competencies they need to develop a successful career.

Our team presented the F.I.R.E. application to young people, which provides an opportunity for self-education on topics related to:

• the leadership and management of teams,

• project planning and management,

• communication with different audiences and through different media;

• and our new module: Media literacy and our rights online, which helps to develop skills for successful and safe surfing on the Internet, critical use of information and content creation online, an important skill for self-presentation you are in the world.

It was interesting to meet these curious young people and talk about how and where they can develop their competences and knowledge outside of school. We talked about the programs “Erasmus+”, “European Solidarity Corps”, “Discover EU”, which give young people the opportunity to participate in mobilities and participate in informal educational processes, develop soft skills and compare achievements, but also challenges in different European countries.

Thanks for all the interesting questions we received! For the interest of young people and the school management for the opportunity to participate in the forum.