Upcoming in August 2022


Upcoming events this month: 

26 July – 10 September: Volunteering team in Veliki Preslav town and Solidarity

17-30 August: Art residency in Senegal, Will participate Martina Natsakova-Dokova, project Youth Going Live

8 – 12 August | 15-19 August| 22-26 August | 29 August- 2 September: Summer academy for youth and children “Not Just History” in Veliki Preslav town

10 – 12 August:  training MOLA in Veliki Preslav town, project ACTIon

12 August: International Youth day

21-27 August: training course  F.A.M.E. in Latvia

22-30 August: Youth Exchange “Is media everything?” in Latvia


Apply for upcoming projects for voluteers:

  • Теам 4 Healthy life in Италия, from 01.10 till 30.11.2022
  • Mullsjö folk high school, Sweden, 44 weeks, possible period: 01/08/2022 to 31/08/2023
  • Be a part of the international Camphill Movement in Staffansgården, Sweden, 1 year, possible period: 01/08/2022 to 31/10/2023
  • “Game Changer”, Sofia town, Bulgaria, new round: 01.11.2022 to 30.10.2023


Apply for upcoming training courses:

  • Latvia “F.A.M.E.” about mentors for volunteers
  • “Web Radio 2.0” in Italy, October 2022
  • “TikTok” in Italy, October 2022
  • “Anti-racism in Practice and as Practice” – I part in Sweeden 3-11 November 2022 and Part II from 24 March till 4 April2024


The calendar this month presents  “STILL LIFE WITH SHREDS OF MEMORIES”  by  Panni Marosi (HU),

a participant in Art residency in North Macedonia, May 2021

project  ECHO2: Traditions in Transition with support of EU program “Creative Europe”