Award Ceremony for Excellence in the Eco-Municipality /Еко-община/ Program of the Embassy of the French Republic

Yesterday, The French Institute hosted an award ceremony for awarded projects under the Eco Municipality 2019 program of the Embassy of the Republic of France in Bulgaria.

In the ECONOMY, public authorities, associations, enterprises and partners all come together for one purpose – to promote and excel exemplary practices.

The Eco Community Competition was created in 2016 in Bulgaria to bring together, in a sustainable network, the priorities of sustainable development in the urban environment, central and local government, research centers and universities, NGOs and companies, and every year supports projects with the potential to change the environment and to educate people responsibly about resources. Very soon, its organizers plan to create an electronic platform where information on the environmental behavior and sustainability of environmental measures is shared and discussed.

The project of Open Space Foundation and the initiative group “I cleaned this” from the town of Veliki Preslav were among the honors this year. “We did it together, so we could play sports together” aims to restore the adjacent two sites, next to the city stadium in Veliki Preslav so that the people of the city to have an accessible place for outdoor sports. The project is implemented through the voluntary work of local people who have realized the need and ability to do something with their labor and free time. More about the project can be found – here.

Moments from the ceremony:

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