“Every self-respecting witch has a house of a hen’s foot”
With this quote today was installed a book house in the town of Veliki Preslav.
The idea of sharing books is not a new one. But it is however very important for the city and especially for the little sweethearts who ‘’attacked’’ the books today. The opening ceremony was attended by Pippi Longstocking, which brought a lot of freshness to the holiday, and our little friends were already engaged in the process of collection of books specially selected for the beginning by Rumi Papazova and Nadezhda Papazova.
The invitation of local people had the purpose to engage them at using the books shared in the Book House, but also to – leave their favorite readings in return. The city library is nearby. The idea of the tiny cottage is not to displace this institution, but rather to awaken curiosity and appetite for reading, and later on for the people of the city to really get used to and start searching for more and more books.
We’ve also prepared a couple of book collections. With a wish for pleasant moments and discoveries in the world of the books!
Pictures: Zahari Minchev
The book house is realized in the framework of our program “Alternatives for the free time” – season 3, based on the idea of Rumi Papazova. With the participation of several local volunteers, and not a few hours of labor in assembling and painting.

The project is realized with financial support of
National Program for youth (2016-2020),
Ministry of youth and sport
Project “Alternatives in Veliki Preslav town”
Contract number: 25-00-56/17.09.2018