Open Space Foundation participate in “DobroFest” in Sofia

Open Space Foundation participated in “DobroFest” Sofia.

Dobrofest” is a festival organised by CVS Bulgaria an organisation based in Sofia which deals with Refugees issues and trying to resolve them. Dobrofest” aimed at giving different NGOs a platform to represent their organisation to other shareholder and also to attract different people who want to volunteer in different projects.

Dobrofest” was attended by more than 30 NGOs from Sofia with different projects that aims at helping, improving bettering the society in different aspects of life. “Open Space”‘s table was led by our volunteers Maria Nikiforova, Justine Nabulya, Jackline Kugonza and Sinethemba Mashiane. The volunteers gave information on the previous, current and new project of Open Space Foundation for potential partners, volunteers and supporters.

There was different workshop that aimed at giving short training to organisation on how to attract and recruit volunteers and also how to treat them through their project time. The workshop was attended by Ayubu Mbarazi and Nabulya justine as representative of Open Space foundation. The workshop was one of the best workshops led by Cath from CVS Bulgaria. She spoke about her experience with volunteers but also listened to other organisation representatives on their experience with volunteers.

Other member of Open Space Foundation were having conversations and asking questions around the festival hall to different organisation and individual so as to learn as much as possible on different matters that as Open Space Foundation can learn or took part in them. Be tune to listen our podcast for the topic of the causes and why volunteering is so important.

At the end there was a film by CVS Bulgaria and a jazz performance to close the perfect festival in Sofia.

The festival happen with the support of program “Erasmus+” and HRDC.