The first edition of TOSCA is successfully finished.

The training activity aims to support and build up the capacities of organizations that actively participate in Volunteering Actions of the European Solidarity Corps, in order to ensure quality and impact in the respective projects.

Objectives and benefits of the training course:

  • Foster understanding, awareness and commitment to core quality criteria of the European Solidarity Corps
  • Build up competences on how to design and implement European Solidarity Corps projects with a view to quality
  • Ensure clarity and support on how the programme works formally: opportunities, guidelines, structures, priorities, rules, and procedures
  • Give space to participants to express burning issues and needs and offer support where possible
  • Foster a supportive community of organisations involved in the European Solidarity Corps.


Maria Nikiforova was part of this TC. Read what the participants said about the course:

🗣 “If you are working with volunteering projects no matter in which stage or how deep is your organization’s understanding about it, this is a place to be! To learn, to understand solidarity and the dimensions of it, to keep building quality and to never stop to grow! Amazing people, tons of answers to questions that aren’t written in the books and much more! Want to get all of that? Then join the next TOSCA training course and see yourself!”

🗣“Totally worth it!” 😉

🗣 “Participating in TOSCA training is crucial to strengthen and support the organizations involved with European Solidarity Corps program. Why? Because during this training course, I as a representative of the Center Progress and Development, understood the program fully, the core quality criteria of a Solidarity Corps project and also expanded the network of partners with organizations from 18 different countries which is fantastic! And YES, I already have a plan what to do after going back to Albania. TOSCA, go for it!” Got curious?


The next edition of TOSCA takes place in Poland from June 8th to 12th:…/european-solidarity-corps-to…/


TC happen with support of European Solidarity Corps and National Agency of Austria


Pictures: European Solidarity Corps Resource Centre