We meet the new team members: Stacy and Ayubu from Tanzania, Racheal and Ivan from Uganda.

The youngsters arrive for a 6-month European Voluntary Service in Sofia, within which they will join to our radio team. New themes, new challenges and new hopes come with 4 young people.

The first shock in Bulgaria: of course, the winter temperatures. Coming from equatorial Africa, where temperatures are 25-30 degrees throughout the day, 15 degrees at night, you can imagine their shock at 4 degrees at the moment!

What is still surprising and what challenges they are expecting to meet in Bulgaria will be watching through the lens and eyes of Gerry, our lady-camera.

What surprised us, however, were the words in Bulgarian language that Ivan from Uganda had learned before coming to Sofia. But singing and anthem, she managed to amaze us completely. Compliments to his efforts and the desire to plunge into our audacity and tongue before he arrives!

Youth participation is part of our project “Art and Culture for Unity”, funded by the “Erasmus+” program of European union, Key Action 2:  Capacity building in the field of Youth.