About Volunteering – with LOVE is our new topic, in witch we will meet you with people that can inspired you.
Let start with one book: “Short-term volunteering”, witch presented our experience with volunteers in program “European Volunteering Service” and “Euroepan Solidarity Corps”
In the book you will find our answers to key questions such as:
• What is it like being a volunteer from another country?
• What are the differences between a short-term and a long-term volunteering project?
• What stages does a project go through?
• What is some advice about choosing volunteers?
• How can one deal with certain key challenges?
The book comes in Bulgarian and English, and we hope that it will inspire you!
To all volunteers, that were with us in this period, sincerely THANK YOU!
To Human Resurce Development Center (National Agency of program Erasmus+ in Bulgaria): THANKS for the trust and support our ideas and projects!
This book is published under the project co-financed by program “Erasmus+” of European Union, project: “EVS as a door for development”, contract number: 2017-2-BG01-KA135-036574
You can upload it from here, or to order it on paper. Write us on: info@openspacebg.com