The first week of “Summer Academy 2020”

By July 31, 2020News

The first week of “Summer Academy 2020”

“Summer Academy 2020” is beginning in Veliki Preslav on the 27th of July, amidst the summer. By adhering to the measures for safety and hygiene and by alternating between playing outside and inside, the kids from the city have the opportunity to develop strategic thinking and critical analysis of their results. Some of the activities this summer include board games, acting, fine arts and communicating in English. Two volunteers from Spain are helping us as part of the team of the Foundation. Together with Petia Kaleva from the library, we are 5 in total, and we are working with the kids in small groups. The Academy attracts a lot of attention. The social isolation in the last few months has affected all of us, but children are hungry for time together; they are eager to work in a group and to find someone with whom they can share.

The first week of the academy ended with a competition and 4 winners in different categories.  What’s more, we received an invitation from Thailand to exchange letters with kids who study English with Violina Veskova, a young lady from Veliki Preslav who was part of our team during 2017 and 2018.

The following week will start with the making of a video and letters to be sent to the kids in Thailand. We will continue to play mathematical games for team work and analysis of different strategies for success. We will solve mystery puzzles, and we shall finish the week with a new competition. During the third week we plan to work together on the topic of negotiation and resolution. New board games will become known to each child.

To promote knowledge of the arts, we will continue to work with materials such as clay, textiles and colours in order to learn more about the fine arts traditions in Bulgaria and Italy during the VIII-X c. A.C. Some of the participants will learn how to make videos with their cell phones and 3D images with the computer.

Our summer together is just starting! Follow our news reports from the city of Veliki Preslav.