Game Changer Camp- Online meetings and presentations

A team of people from our organization participated in the Game Changer Camp.

Lead by Techsoup Europe, Game Changer uses innovative technologies and avant-garde research to help the promotion of tolerance and understanding among young people in all of Europe. The efforts of the organizers are directed towards young workers and leaders who can pass on their experience and wisdom and encourage other young people to be the change needed for the creation of a more inclusive, open, diverse and peaceful Europe.

The event took place in the form of online meetings and discussions in the span of 5 days. Good practices, experts and companies, which have surpassed the expected prognosis of their authors, were presented. The organizers had been considerate enough to allow time for the presentation of participants (an EXPO zone where participating organizations published a short information about themselves), as well as time for meeting people and developing one’s network (following the principle of short meetings- a 5 min. session face-to-face with a colleague, and then continuing on to the next one).

We were also presented with resources, scientific research, games and platforms, who could help in the work with young people.

The list is long, but we are most impressed by:

Jacek Siadkowski – with his presentation of “Gerere” и “Why we should use games as instruments for social change”

Erin Saltman

Jakub Gormicki

Edwin van de Scheur from “Dare To Be Grey”

Marko Boyko and Emir Shevkiiev for the campaign which they have initiated: “Skepsis”

We have yet to research the platform Rage-Statge, but we alreasy have a few ideas in mind which we could realize through that platform.

We would like to compliment the team of the Game Changer Camp for the event and for all these resources gathered in one place and shared with us. It’s not the same as being at a live meeting, but we have all adapted and we are learning how to work and to be even closer and more effective in our work.