Not just history is a topic that gathers young people from several European countries at excavations in the old capital of Bulgaria Veliki Preslav.
A lot of arthefacts from the period of 9th– 10th century are sorted out, cleaned and then the archaeologist Maria Manolova describes and archives them in the local museum.
The interesting thing this year is that our volunteer who participated in the excavations in 2018 joined the team. His name is Julian Olmos Sanchez from Spain. The young man arrived directly from the UK, where he was working at another archaeological site. His interest in both archaeology and the team working in Veliki Preslav have won him over and we are together for a second year in a row.

In addition to theexcavations, the volunteers organize and participate in different clubs according to their interests, travel and exchange information about the life in their countries
Their participation in Bulgaria is accomplished thanks to the European program “Erasmus+”, the European Voluntary Service.