Зная, Мога, Искам, Давам
или как младите хора участват в живота на общността, какви са техните мечти и стремежи.
Възможности за включване в младежки обмени, доброволчески проекти и пътувания – информация за свободни позиции следва по-долу.
Ако желаете да участвате – изпратете CV и мотивационно писмо на английски език на e-mail: info@openspacebg.com
- A Step in the right direction – семинар за младежки работници | Klaffer, Австрия | 05-12.12.2014
Финансира се по програма “Еразъм +”
3 участници от България
The seminar will take place in Muehl-fun-viertel in Klaffer, Austria and will host participants from 7 countries (Austria, Italy, Croatia, Poland, Turkey, Bulgaria, Lithuania) who work in the youth field, and who will discuss the RIGHT situation in each of the countries. The requirements for the right situation in the youth work are completely different in each country. Also in Austria the law for the protection of youth is in each district different, there is no common law for this. Especially in the development of the young people it’s very important to acknowledge and to impose the own actions. Active participation in society is already an effective point here. Criminal discretion and right to vote were always actual topics in our society.
Good English knowledge
Over 18 years old
According to the new rules within the Programme Erasmus +, travel costs are reimbursed according to km-distance from home place till the venue (Klaffer) – for Bulgarian participants – up to 275 euro.
Food, accomodation and training materials – covored by EU grants program “Erasmus +”
info-pack: Info pack A Step in the RIGHT Direction 5-12.12.14-1
apply now: …link…
- Long-term EVS | Indonezia | 01.04.2015 – 30.09.2015 | PROJECT: Depending on their skills and experience (and interest), task could be to help with online and social media, video making/editing, photography, Computer & IT work to help locals to create community projects or to deliver workshops and sessions for the young people in the community.
info: infopack_INDONESIA
apply now: http://www.jotformpro.com/form/41964803190961
- Long-term EVS | Vietnam | 01.04.2015 – 30.09.2015 | PROJECT: Working with youth students in universities, schools, kindergarten, orphanage, youth clubs for promoting voluntarism and intercultural understanding; helping disable youth, children and adult; working with local NGOs;
info: infopack_VIETNAM
apply now: http://www.jotformpro.com/form/41964229041958
- Long-term EVS | Togo | 01.04.2015 – 30.09.2015 | PROJECTs:
CODE 1: Title of project: School support and socio-educational animation
CODE 2: Title of the project: literacy to adults and girls, non school children.
CODE 3: Title of the project: Natural Forestry improvement and popularization on agro environment and animals breeding
info: infopack_TOGO
apply now: http://europaerestu.eu/intercambia-envio-en-togo/
- 01.08/2 – Long-term EVS | Latvia | 01.08.2014 – 31.07.2015 Youth for active seniors
- More about our organization you can find www.aktivsseniors.lv
- 04.06/3.1. – Youth exchange: “Youth are in the Nature”
Date: 04/06/2014 (7 activity days), arrivals: 04/06/2014, departures12/06/2014, untill at 11 a.m.Venue: Amasya, TurkeyParticipants: 6 participants (of age 15 – 25) + 1 group leader (of any age)
- 15.05/4.3. – training course: “Value the Difference”
Project Venue: Bran, RomaniaThe Training course starts on 05.15.2014 and ends on 26.05.2014.
- 01.04./2 – LongTerm EVS: Work the Island (EVS) in Finland,
Theme: EnvironmentLocation: Livonsaari, Naantali (close to Turku)
Start: 2014-04-01 End: 2014-10-31
Application deadline: 2014-02-16 Decision date: 2014-03-01
Languages:- Project: English
- Local: Finnish
Age limit: 18-30 years (as it is EVS project)
- 31.7./ 2 – ShrtTerm EVS: Suinula – a village with super volunteers!
Dates: 31/7/-18/8/2014
Duration: 18 days
Group size: 10 volunteers, 2 volunteers from each organization
Volunteers: Hungarian, Bulgarian, Portuguese, Turkish, Italian
Location: Suinula, Jämsä, Finland